Raising Hope for Emma Lee Stewart

The Reason For Hope Compilation CD's can be ordered via email to TheReasonForHopeCD@Gmail.com payment can be made via Interact Email Money Transfer. Mail orders with payment by cash or cheque can be made to :
The Reason For Hope
170 Temperance Street New Glasgow, NS B2H3B1 ($20.00 Includes shipping)

Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Eve!

And there were shepherds in the fields, looking after their flocks that night, and suddenly, an Angel of the Lord appeared (Shazam!) and stood among them and the glory of the Lord shone about them and they were very afraid. But the Angel said to them, do not be afraid, for I bring you some great news!

Do not be afraid is enough for me! Oh, and the rest is pretty great too.

The wonderful tradition this Season imparts. I have been fighting this cold with all my might and I'm feeling better today. Seven days since last treatment, five days since onset of cold. I have been "vicksing" and resting and being looked after and receiving lots of best wishes. I'm going to beat it! Ha.

I put a call out for inspiration earlier this week to a webgroup that I belong to - Team Inspire - folks like me, who have joined the metastatic world. I have received so much encouragement. Sharing the news that we have mets at various places in our bodies. These women are unbelievable. I feel like they are sitting in the room with me, holding my hand, and me holding theirs. Sharing treatment information and unbelievably filled with hope and not willing to give up. I have never met any of them, yet we are closely bonded. Sharing stories that just make you want to scream.

I was supposed to sing with the choir at 7:00 p.m. and Shaun at the 10:00 p.m. service. That's out of the question; and in fact I will miss this year's Christmas Eve service, which has been part of our family's tradition. Lee and Jim are going together. Honey, Doobs, Puff and I will keep the home fires burning. I'm going to continue to immerse myself in Christmas love (books and movies!), beat this cold and enjoy this incredibly special holiday season as much as I can, understanding how lucky and fortunate I am. I love this time of year.

Mary left a message last evening - she met Gene Simmons (sp?) at the Van airport yesterday. She gave him a helping hand with something I guess. She had quite a laugh about that. She will be home on the 27th. She's paying her dues and has to work Christmas Day and Boxing Day, but she's with co-workers and this will certainly be a bonding time for those employees plodding the airport floors. Just imagine what this will do for her songwriting!

Friends gave me a book called Christmas Therapy by Karen Katafiasz and I quote:

"Believe in the meaning of Christmas: divine love embracing the world, the longing toward Infinity, life infused with Mystery. Store the meaning in your soul all year long."

Peace to you all this day and always Merry Christmas.

Emma Lee

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