Raising Hope for Emma Lee Stewart

The Reason For Hope Compilation CD's can be ordered via email to TheReasonForHopeCD@Gmail.com payment can be made via Interact Email Money Transfer. Mail orders with payment by cash or cheque can be made to :
The Reason For Hope
170 Temperance Street New Glasgow, NS B2H3B1 ($20.00 Includes shipping)

Friday, August 26, 2011

A Few Things

Don't know whether I told you all how delighted I was to arrive home the other night - oohs and aahs as I passed from room to room. Love and light.

The next morning Jim and I were sitting at the computer and Jim spilt his entire cup of coffee everywhere. So, needless to say . . . . .

Blood work went okay yesterday. Treatment today - aredia and the new chemo. I'm aching from head to toe so here we are on the pain med cycle, at long last some might say. I gave birth to both my children by natural child birth and I do believe that I have a high tolerance for pain, but it's not quite as high as what's coming on I fear.

I have all the gear right here. Yesterday when I returned home I must have slept for hours and hours . It felt wonderful, and we shall see if that now becomes the trend. Lee will be home this weekend. Mary can't get here til next.

BTW, Mary's event? Almost $3K!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that little gal? We are approaching the $10K mark folks. The goal will be reached and we will keep you informed. I thank you all for keeping those sale requests coming in and Jim is hoping to get your orders out the day we receive them.

And now again, my thanks to you. We keep coming around to that. My heart is so full of love and thanks and gratitude. What would I do without my family and friends? I am asking for patience with myself. So, if you could spare a prayer for patience, that would be great too. And, more importantly than all that, take time to express your gratitude and love for all.

Please love each!

Peace today,

Emma Lee


  1. Sending you a prayer for patience.
    As I've said, you are an inspiration. Your posts keep reminding me to love the little things....and not take my family for granted....for that I thank you.
    May your treatment go well!!
    Take care

  2. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Breakfast-Television-on-A/383166792852#!/video/video.php?v=248631478503295
