Raising Hope for Emma Lee Stewart

The Reason For Hope Compilation CD's can be ordered via email to TheReasonForHopeCD@Gmail.com payment can be made via Interact Email Money Transfer. Mail orders with payment by cash or cheque can be made to :
The Reason For Hope
170 Temperance Street New Glasgow, NS B2H3B1 ($20.00 Includes shipping)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fishermen's Friends, Musical Friends, Friends

I remember a time several years ago, having the luxury one day to listen to a call in show on CBC. A lady had called to ask a question of one of their "experts". She stumbled over her words for a second and said, you'll have to excuse me, I have a fisherman's friend in my mouth. I found that quite hilarious. Costos H. (sp?) didn't miss a beat.

Last evening Lloyd dropped in on his way to a meeting across the street. Honey loves Lloyd. Quite a display of dog love. Anyway, after 10 minutes or so, we were able to settle in for a chat. Lloyd hung his jacket over the back of his chair. After the obligatory jump into lap - hey pay attention to me - scatch my head, (Honey - not me), pocket time arrived. I noticed that Honey was too quiet. I asked Lloyd if he had anything in his jacket pockets? Why yes, Extra Strength Fishermen's Friends. Sure enough, not a second later, Honey was noisily tearing off with her discovery. A display of coaching followed. Biscuit? Turkey? Chicken? Hot Dog? A trade was finally made for chicken, but by then she had opened the pack, at the exact right spot - a triangular little spot on the corner, and had put an original extra strength lozenger into her mouth. It was spit out and left on the floor. If dogs can show their disgust at a taste, I think that was the expression.

This past Sunday, Honey experienced a band and especially drums being played for the first time. John was here, as was Ross, Shaun and Jakki. John had his snare drum, with practice pad and brushes. Honey plunked herself right in the middle of all of us, in front of John and matched his brush work blink for blink. Too cute. She loved it. We're going to put our Rock'n'Roll show on the back burner. My yes is quite strongly coming across as a no. Since I intend on making it into the Miracle Book, I must listen.

Friends of mine are suffering, just from life. So strange. Here I am, fighting for time. Others are discontented with the time they have. There may not be a happy medium for any us. It's a struggle to find that space inside where happiness dwells. But I know it's there and that's where I want to live.

People tell me I look great. I appreciate that, but would like to trade places for 5 minutes. It's hard to describe this disease. I danced with Jim Shaffner in Church this past Sunday, I must be well!

Enough of that. I'm going to have a great day - meditation, dog walks, great diet, practice, cat conversations, choir. I have no time to waste on doldrums. Next treatment on Friday. I start Astragalus Plus Extract today in preparation (immune system support).

Peace to you all, Emma Lee

P.S. Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors!

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