Raising Hope for Emma Lee Stewart

The Reason For Hope Compilation CD's can be ordered via email to TheReasonForHopeCD@Gmail.com payment can be made via Interact Email Money Transfer. Mail orders with payment by cash or cheque can be made to :
The Reason For Hope
170 Temperance Street New Glasgow, NS B2H3B1 ($20.00 Includes shipping)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

From Now On, Day 3

We started early again today, with our final Taize-style worship at the Chapel. Okay - the heat was on. We needed it today, but had to open the doors to allow for air circulation and funnily enough nature just came right in to be with us. Nature's sounds, for me, filled the silences between the verses and sat with me during prayer.

My drum was then unpacked and taken to the drumming circle, which included just enough drummers, a tambourine, and some different patterns to follow, relaxing and smiling. A lovely setting of Exodus was our soundtrack and voices were raised without accompaniment nor pitch - but we did great. The future quilt pieces were delivered as part of the large past, present and future patchwork quilt that is being assembled. Amazing. I will post pictures once they are on the website.

Then rest.

This afternoon we will have an hour long choir practice for tomorrow's service. Bonnie, my friend, is being ordained. Karen is coming up for the rehearsal today. Trinity Jims are here, and gals that came from Amherst for the Julian service gave me an amazing prayer shawl and card. I'm soaking it all up. I am so happy I am here, where fear is overcome.

And rest.

We are singing an awesome Anthem called Give Us Your Peace. Couple of little tricky parts to keep us on our toes. It will be an amazing music team tomorrow: our team of Lloyd, Gwen, Kirby and me, The Message, and about 50 or so basses, tenors, altos and sopranos, and we will do the full From Now On as the final hymn, and then sing the assembly out (1000?) to the final refrain of From Now On - From Now On, love's the gospel that still guides us; From Now On - trust with faith the truth will find us; From Now On, the bright light of hope (my hope) shows God still knows the way. So how can we go wrong? From Now On. I have a feeling that song is going to be accompanying me into a few treatment rooms over the coming weeks. I have another song I'm going to work on with Karen, maybe starting Monday afternoon - see how tired I am. No need to rush. My Mary will be visiting too.

How can we go wrong?


Emma Lee

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