Raising Hope for Emma Lee Stewart

The Reason For Hope Compilation CD's can be ordered via email to TheReasonForHopeCD@Gmail.com payment can be made via Interact Email Money Transfer. Mail orders with payment by cash or cheque can be made to :
The Reason For Hope
170 Temperance Street New Glasgow, NS B2H3B1 ($20.00 Includes shipping)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

That Sir Paul!

As you can see, I'm up early to this little computer in the family room. What a great tool to have in here! We are still working on one area of concern, and as soon as that is tackled I should be able to get home. Now that I'm "in the system", I will be getting daily home visits so that will be great on the days Jim is in Halifax and I will also need my friends to check in as well. Getting my front room set-up is the next task. I am told I can get a hospital bed so that will be a great thing.

I can hear the rain pouring down on the windows. It is coming down in buckets. Plants won't need any watering today!

Oh, by the way, I took phone calls all night long from the Bell Centre. I got to hear Yesterday and Helter Skelter (the first encore) before the phone got mushy. That was at midnight. Jim said the show started late because they couldn't get Sir Paul out of NEW YORK CITY! (I have my own way of saying that - ala Sir Paul.) He played 3 hours, 2 full encores and it was an amazing show. Jim took loads of pictures. Can't wait to see them. He'll be back here around 8:30 tonight if flights are not delayed. Jim knows I would simply not have been able to endure the length of the night - he had to get into the Bell Centre at 3 (4 our time) and then wait for the sound check, which was late and then have supper, which was good, and then get first dibs at merch, which was great, and then wait for the show, for which he had to stand all the way through. I would have been a puddle on the ground. I somehow knew that in the back of my mind.

Anyway, have a wondrous day. It could be one of those days. I'm still a work in progress out here so we have to let the doctors and nurses do their thing. I will let you know when I am home. I'm very tired so please email me emmalee@eastlink.ca or call Jim at 396-6570 - he's home Sat - Tues.

Peace to you all. I'm turning my mind to thoughts of energy. Think of yours.

Emma Lee

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